Study … prove that the girl resembles her mother with all the actions

Study … prove that the girl resembles her mother with all the actions
After several research by British researchers, has been reached
some of the results that show the cause of the transformation
Which appears in the behavior of the girls that result to
Their parents, and found a near-parody of the behavior of some
people to become very similar to the behavior of parents.
Where researchers conducted surveys of more than 2,000 men
and women, they asked
During which they think that their
behavior has turned with
Time to become like the behavior of
their parents, and at any age began to notice those changes.
About 50% of those polled felt that their behavior had already begun to change
In which the age of 30-35 years, while 24% of the participants that
they observed those changes
between age
24 and 45, only 12% said they had changed between 30 and 40.
The researchers explained that women in Britain notice these
changes in their psychological nature at age 33 often,
As they have the first child in their 30s.
Three years later, they realized that they were beginning to change
and like the same television programs they were watching
Their mothers, and even use the same verbal phrases, while men in Britain note this at age
As they marry and give birth to their firstborn at a later age.
